
The ability to write clearly and precisely is one of the most important skills a student can develop while in high school. With that goal in mind, the Sprague Online Writing Center seeks to provide resources for students, parents, and teachers that will enable its users to develop the many separate skills involved in being a strong writer. In addition to the online site, the after school Writing Center will allow students to work on their essays with qualified peers and staff.

You will find the material on this site broken down into three separate categories with each focusing on different elements of writing: grammar, style, and composition. In this way, they address the narrowest focus of writing (grammar) to the most broad (suggestions on putting together entire essays). Users of the site can address all or only some of these aspects of writing. However, be aware that grammar instruction is highly sequential and each grammar lesson should be mastered before moving on to the next.

Additionally, there are so many different styles and preferences for writing that it is not possible to address all of them on one site. If you are a student or parent using this site as a guide, make sure you understand the requirements and preferences of your specific teacher or specific assignment. As you will read often on this site, it is important to learn how to write to meet a variety of preferences and purposes.

Finally, this is the first year of Sprague’s Online Writing Center. Hopefully the site will continue to grow over the next years, and that any glaring errors or omissions will be addressed.

© kmcelliott 2008

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